Customer Testimonials

As a new business, growing our brand is super important, one of the best ways to do this is through word of mouth - we wanted to share some of the amazing feedback we have had from our customers...

Alyssa and Jerome, Cleethorpes - Our first Wedding Anniversary poem is brilliant, LOVE it, thanks!

Nicola, Aberdeen - Thank you so much for the wonderful poem you wrote for our 25th Wedding Anniversary, not a dry eye in the house and a few laughs too.  You captured everything I wanted, and more.  You truly are one clever lady!

Lynsey, Fraserburgh - My Mother's Day poem is SO GOOD, you're very good at this! LOVE IT! Perfect!

Lorraine at Cloggy House, Dyce - Please check out this FAB new business if you want something personal and special, a poem done for family and friends.  Barbara did a lovely poem for my business, she's so talented!

Shona, Westhill - Oh my goodness, the poem is just fab. I love it and can't wait for Mum to receive it for Mother's Day!  I could never come up with something like that!

Susan, Aberdeen - Thank you so much for my home schooling picture and keepsake! I just LOVE them and I am sure my daughter will too, purchased for my grand-daughter's to give their mum!